Friday, November 25, 2016

True Friends.... Or not.

Hey guys so today I wanted to touch on true friends and what I think really makes that true friend. First I think someone who you consider your true friend should be who you can be your 100% true self and not have to hide or put on a show. No one will ever be able to be that friend if you can't let them know you 100%. Next you can't be afraid to talk to them no matter what good,bad or ugly you should now before you tell them it will get pretty bad and could turn ugly but you know that it will turn out for good. Another is you can't let them walk all over you and treat you like a door mat and just expect you to do things with out even asking. That's kinda like a double edge sword you know that your true friend will do anything with out asking but I think that comes with limitations. No matter how long you've known someone even if it's 10+ years you should be able to stand up for your self and they should realize what you do for them. Second to last the one that really gets under my skin and makes my blood boil is two things lying and getting blown off, everyone lies and sometimes that lie can help but also hurt at the same time. You should know that you can talk to them no matter what and the lying game doesn't need to be played since you will always be accepting as long as it's the truth. Lastly getting blow off this one is the one that truly makes my blood boil, we all have at some point blown someone off but if it's not for a literal emergency or just something important came up there should be no point. I think it's incredibly rude to just blow someone off week after week with these lies, sucks even more if you know the why but they can't tell the truth. No matter what true friends should be your ride or die, your other half, you jump I jump. True friends will stab you in the front,now personally I'd rather be told head on what the problem is instead of it being danced around and lies are just spilling out like water. So guys if you have that true friend who is there till the end no matter what stay with them and fight like hell to keep it but not to the point of constant hurt. What I do is i will forgive but never will I forget..  Have an awesome weekend and I hope your thanksgiving was spent with friends and family! 

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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Life... And All It Brings!!!

Hey guys so long time no write lol... I'm back to writing after being a little unmotivated, But not anymore I've been thinking about it for a while and finally feel like blogging again so I can stick to a schedule! So lets start off with its NOVEMBER!!!!!! HOLY CRAP!!! how did this happen Christmas is in a little over 4 weeks! 2017 is creeping up on us and fast. Second I wanna talk about my future for this blog... So I wanna keep writing and stick to a schedule to stay motivated and write two days a week and maybe thinking about adding another day to introduce a little topic i wanna start. Next I wanna redesign this blog so i can add my personal touch to it and so it looks really good for people reading! Lets take a tiny little turn into darkness lol lately I've been having little bouts of depression and not totally sure why but none the less its not fun. I've been feeling like I'm getting picked on for the littlest of things and after a while the build up drives me insane! for a while I've been contemplating getting away for a few days just to kind of relax and be by myself,I'm not one of those people who need to surrounded by those I'm close with. For me being by myself getting away and not having to really worry about anything at least for a little to think is what helps me out. So in either January or February I will be going to a hotel for 2-3 days just enough time to clear my head feel good again. So that's my little update so far, i hope you guys are excited for more posts and consistency on here and I will see you guys in a few days :D have an awesome day! 

Follow me on Twitter for more updates! @__anthonyjohn

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Lets Just Talk...About Anything?!?

Hey guys its Tuesday which mean its time to kinda just rant about the most random things! So first off can we talk about how tomorrow is October 19th already this year has flown by so much faster then last year! The next two months have I have so much stuff to buy lol between birthdays and Christmas which i wanna try to get done by the end of next month! Woo! Next I've been obsessed with video games which isn't odd but i normally don't play many and I'm loving it!!! First was batman arkham origins then Beyond Two Souls which if you have not played I 100% totally recommend it. This game is so interactive which i love then the story and graphics are incredible! Last but not least I've been currently play Heavy Rain which is a lot like until dawn with the choices you make kinda of affect what happens further on in the game. The last is an oldie but a goodie! Resident Evil: Code Veronica X I love this game its awesome because it has Chris and Clair Redfield which is amazing but the adventure you go on is intense,nerve racking, awesome. Totally a game you wanna play! This was a totally random post but i just wanted to give a little update on what I'm doing and I can't wait to talk to you guys again! See you on Sunday!

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Have an awesome Day!!! :D

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Just a Minute....Depression Part 2?...

Hey guys so I'm gonna be posting a day earlier just really felt like i needed to write! So.. i know I've wrote about depression before but its still there and honestly more and more hits me. So by no means I'm I like life shattering depressed but every now and then It hits me in waves and last for a while and I think like a lot of others you try to hide it and don't let anyone know that you are and put on the biggest facade! Then once your by yourself and the fake smiles and happiness is over your left with depression and its a crappy feeling more so then anything the last couple days/week. I can get very down on myself pretty easily but i try and i think moderately succeed at it which is not something I wanna be good at it. I want to be able talk to someone and get it all out but for me it would be so hard to actually open my mouth and let it all out. I just kinda feel like I'm in the middle of the room screaming and no one can hear me at all no matter how loud i get. I feel so secluded with what everyone else wants to do and people get mad at me when I don't feel like going out drinking and being around a bunch of people. That's not who I am which is when it gets so frustrating that people don't understand okay let me stop asking, because he may feel uncomfortable (very true) There's nothing wrong with going out and sometimes I'm all about it but if i dont know the people very well or if I don't really connect right away i feel like closing up in a shell. I just wish people get that when I don't wanna go out and hang with their friends isn't me just being a pain in the ass! it's me freaking out and not feeling comfortable at all, with them constantly saying you have to do it NO! I don't think I'm describing this well *insert monkey emoji with hands over eyes* I may be 23 years old but I'm not one to wanna go out to the bars,parties or hang out with a huge selection of people. I have my select few that I'm so comfortable with but even then some of them still are like NO! you can't do that, like why can't I be who i am which is just the kinda outgoing/introverted person who just wants to hang out go to the movies get some food, shop go on vacation. That's me and that who i am gonna stand by now sometimes Ive met a new person and I'm like wow we really really get along I wanna get to know them. I don't wanna have it shoved down my throat like its what you have to do in society, i want it to be at my own pace and if others cant understand that then maybe they aren't who i thought they would be. I hate being in a depressed hole and feeling like my whole mood all day long is like UGH! i just wanna put my hood up and sit in the corner! I just have to follow that i need to be who i want, not let others influence me into changing my character when that's what makes me.. ME! 
This post again is kinda all discombobulated but if you read this far you are awesome and can't wait to write more and more! Thank you so much and have an awesome day/night where ever you are!  

Monday, October 10, 2016

Just a Minute...When to say enough is enough?

Hey guy so for Sundays Just a Minute i wanted to talk about when to say enough is enough.What i mean when to say this is that we all know our head and mind can be a safe haven but at the same token it can be our nightmare because you can go in a million different directions in how you think about something. So I've been getting in my head about when you know someone and you kinda sorta have a connection but so many things go down then up, for me it's kinda getting old. For example ive had someone call me probably one of the worst things to be called and you get taken back like Woah! First thing to happen is anger but even after the cool down and you get a sincere apology you think okay I can forgive you but i will never forget what was said ever and honestly i don't know how i even talk to them because they don't deserve. So you think okay bad rough patch that's all nope but then again and again and again this person just keep treating you like complete garbage when you have no idea for the most idiotic reasons. This is something that sounds so odd but when i get told sorry its the most emptiest apology I've ever been told for the simple fact is they say sorry for everything.This is when I think enough is enough and you need to deal with what you should do next so that those feelings of doubt,anger or depression and the biggest one of all the arguing and fighting can stop! Now I know this is kinda an odd post but this something I think not just myself but others have to deal with as well. No matter how important the relationship is you really have to consider and think is this worth salvaging or should I just let it play out and whatever happens happens. Whatever the choice you have to be able to stick to that because if you show cracks then you'll start to doubt all the work you've put in to better your life which EVERYONE deserves! Maybe one day when everything has cooled down you can make an attempt at having a relationship again and who knows maybe that break that you decided on helped not only you but hopefully the person you took the break from and that they started to realize what they did and how they treated. So you guys can start with a fresh slate and the past is the past for a reason to be left behind with all the troubles we will face. 

With that I hope you guys have an awesome Night/Day wherever you are :D

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Twitter @__AnthonyJohn

Thursday, October 6, 2016

A New Adventure!

Hey guys! I meant to post Tuesday but i went to work and then after honestly i was just tired! But getting to today's post, is something very new to me and something scary and very very exciting. So for you guys out there i'm a HUGE photography fan I love looking at photos, I love to even more take photos. So with that I try to take what i think is the most amazing shot barley edit it at all just minor things like lighting and shadows nothing big. For as long as i can remember I've loved doing it more then anything and people always tell me hey these are really good you should consider doing this and i was like oh haha lol! But now I'm taking it more serious I had a conversation with my aunt about this amazing picture i took when flying into Chicago and i texted her and said hey look at this amazing shot. She was like WOW you should look into selling it and i was HUH? that's an interesting concept so i played with the idea and I decided I'm just gonna do it so I posted my first picture I took on society6 and put it up for sale on different things like a poster, canvas and iPhone case. It's not about the money its about maybe people will actually see this and like it and i can get a really good feedback for it and continue to do something I am so so passionate about and take more and more amazing shots! So with that guys that's my little update and it would be so awesome if you just went and gave my page a like and checked out whats on their! :) Thank you so much and have an amazing day! 

Follow Me- __AnthonyJohn
Society6- Chicago Lights

Monday, October 3, 2016

Just a Minute....Being the bigger person

Hey, guys so I'm back from my vacation and it so awesome and relaxing but I'm happy to be home and can write for you guys! 
Sundays post will be going up today and Tuesdays post will go up tomorrow as planned!  Let's get into this week's topic being the bigger person this is something we all face at some point in our life where you get in an argument with someone and you know tempers are flaring left and right, And the person is so unbelievably mad and screams at you at the top of their lungs is one not right. Everyone gets to the point where you know you can say some pretty awful things you know will hit every button on them and piss them off and hurt them real bad. BUT... You have to stop in that moment even if it's for a split second have a conversation with yourself and say okay just walk away because whatever comes out is not going to be nice and will make them mad or upset. If you can take a long enough break to step away from the situation and know okay let's go collect our thoughts and move on. This is something that you would think everyone could do and a lot of people will but honestly theirs always that person who like as a personal example. I have someone who is constantly arguing with me or screams at and we have the same temper but that doesn't give the right in my book because if I can step away and know okay this is wrong let's just stop this while you can you would hope they can well in my case no sadly. This person has said and done some horrible stuff and I'm always the bigger person who will try their best to know what to say and not say no matter what and like the old cliche saying I'll always forgive but never forget! That's something I always have and will live by because after so many times of being hurt their apologies literally mean nothing more than dirt on the ground it's so old and warn in that it doesn't even phase me anymore and goes right over my head and out one ear straight out the other! I know that sounds kinda harsh but after so many chances you can only put up with so much and why I'm writing this right now is I was just in a situation where I could have easily said every last thing to hurt this person but I thought okay that's really gonna hurt the deep and I would never want to have someone feel but I've felt from being hurt. Hence why even if in the hardest, toughest situations you gotta rise above and be the BIGGER PERSON! 

With that i will see you guys tomorrow with anything Tuesday! Have an awesome day/night where ever you are :)

Don't forget to follow me on twitter so you can see when i post next 
Follow me here:@__AnthonyJohn

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Let's Just Talk... Movies!

Hey, guys so it's Tuesday which means it's Anything Tuesday. Today I wanted to talk about some really awesome movies I've seen lately! First, let's talk about Sully! OMG! This movie is amazing, if your not sure what it's about it's when flight 1549 had to make an emergency landing and the amazing inspiring captain Chesley Sullenberger decided on January 15th, 2009 the Hudson River was the best place for this landing and if that isn't amazing all 155 people including crew all survived by the help of the captain, first officer, crew and passengers working together. This movie really opened my eyes about stuff I didn't know for example I never knew how much scrutiny he went through with the NTSB for saving 155 lives. I would give this a 10/10 it was just amazing I know I've said this probably 5 times already but it's true! Next, would have to be Don't Breathe this movie is creepy as shit! It's about this group of "friends" who break into homes and steal all kinds of stuff and sell it for money, it follows Money (yes that's his name) , Sam, and Alex. One day Sam and Money find this article of this guy who's little girl was hit with car by a rich girl and the family didn't want to go to court so they paid the man off and was reportedly couple hundred thousand! They get to the house start looking for the money but what they think is an easy steal because this man is blind! Does not prove so easy since he's an ex-military vet, once he's caught on he shoots one of them and the other two are left fighting to survive the night and along the way find out some really messed things that have gone on in this house! This movie I would get an 8.5/10 really one to watch! Last but not least is the newest Blair Witch that was just released! Holy Crap this movie is terrifying and for me which I'm a horror movie buff it takes a lot to scare me this movie SCARED!! Me! The last time I was that scared was watching The Strangers. So back to the movie, this follows a group of friends with one imparticular named James who's sister was one of the three who got terrorized way back in the very first Blair witch movie when she and two friends decided to go and make a documentary about the black hills woods. Recently there had been some found footage of this tape that James has been looking for and really believes it's his sister. So he gets his friends and two others to go to the woods thinking he's gonna find his sister and they find a whole nother being that is beyond evil! I would give this an 11/10 it was that good acting,directing! Everything was amazing and not all found footage movies are the best but this was perfect! 

Well guys that's it for today's Lets Just Talk! I hope you enjoy this new blog series I'll be doing every Tuesday and another one called Just a Minute every Sunday! Definitely check out these movies and let me know what you think or if you have seen these movies let know in the comments or my twitter:) Have awesome day/night wherever you are located:) 

Follow me :) 

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Just a Minute....

Hey Guys, so... I haven't posted in probably a couple months I'm not going to try to make up some excuse I just didn't have the motivation and never want this blog to feel like a chore. Today I wanted to talk about life and how it's been kinda like one big F***K you, I don't really do anything super interesting I work as much as I can and hang out with my close knit friends. Lately, it's kind felt super boring and I want that to change I want to go on adventures and travel. One of the things that I really want to do and the passion is there but the motivation is next to zero what this is a YouTube channel. I have talked about this countless of times and I have not posted anything in probably months and months. The more I start watching other YouTubers the more I feel inspired and have tons of awesome ideas. Which I hope by either towards the end of this year or beginning of next year, I wanna completely  re-launch my channel and finally just do what I want and not worry about if someone's gonna watch it. I don't think that should be the main goal, of course, that's a goal but all in an all if I just got a handful of people to watch my videos I would be the happiest person to know someone else can see the effort I will put into them. With that, I need to practice consistently which I totally suck major ass at LOL! So every Sunday will be Just a Minute  and Tuesday will be Anything On My Mind? I really hope you guys can see the effort I will and have put into this blog and hopefully, do a complete re-launch on this blog once I can think of some designs for how I want this blog to look  :D 

Thank You! :D I hope we can talk and have a place of comfort to be yourself! 
Follow me for updates! Twitter - __anthonyjohn

Age...Why does it matter?!?

Hey, guys! long time no talk, So today I wanted to touch on something that has really annoyed me lately and I don't get why its such a big deal! I'm 23 years old and still have tons to learn but I'm not someone who's blind to things that happened even if it was when I was really little. I cannot stand when someone treats you like you're a two-year-old no matter the age! if you are mature at your age you should be treated like how you act not a number. There's plenty of people who can be older and act like someone super immature and that's their thing I just distance myself. Personally, I find it very offensive and makes my skin crawl to be treated like I am some dumb naive little kid. I don't see that benefit in acting that way okay someone's older then you cool lol they weren't born that way. Sometimes I think people lose that aspect of things just because they are older than you. they have an unspoken rule over you and tell you sorry but I've seen and been through more in life. I'm sorry but that means nothing to me at all and does not make me respect you just because your what people say an "Elder" and you should respect them if they give just as much respect to you in return. There's a thing in the world where we should all be respectful and treat everyone equally and 100% agree no matter what size,color,personality, sexuality or lifestyle. WE! all have one thing in common were a person and that's what should matter not what they look,act,do etc... I'm not saying I've never judged people everyone has! Now if I judge someone it's usually someone I've is known for a while and I know them or just personally don't agree with what they do but still not my place to step and I never will unless I'm really close to someone.  Going back to age who cares! They are people who can be older, younger and act like a child but again! What makes you the ultimate judge of things because you're older I don't agree with one bit at all and never will. This is probably all over the place lol but basically, I just want everyone to truly treat everyone like one thing a person does not judge on a category. Everyone has what makes them no matter the exterior its all the inside of what matters even if you don't agree let them live how they want. 

Thank you for listening to this non sense of a blog and hopefully makes sense kinda lol

:) Dont forget to follow me on Twitter - __anthonyjohn  

Have an awesome day or night where ever you are :)

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Just a Minute..Wondering Mind!?!

Hey guys so I've wrote about something similar but i just really wanted write about this and something that's been on mind for a while. So first of HI! i know Ive been gone for a while i just didn't have the motivation/drive to write. I'm someone who normally does not let stuff to get to me but lately life and everything to do with it has felt like one big shit show right after another and i don't get it. It's like everything and everyone is just falling, and crumbling i have never had this feeling. It has a lot of factor stuff not happening relationships are starting to get shaky that normally are not, Of course i let my
mind get the best of me and just feeling super down and depressed. Lately people have just been picking and getting at every little thing i do or say no matter if i respond back its like nothing i do works. This is something that NO ONE should have to deal with and no matter what you do YOU! The most important person who will never let you down and always be there by your side when others wont. You start thinking "wow" all those times i was there for you when you needed to talk and get it out, but now that its your turn it doesn't matter they don't want to listen. You start re-evaluating who is truly your friend or family in your life that will stick through it all. Its sad to think about but even the closest of people may have to be let go to let new ones in who may even better your life and bring it that light you need. Theirs this quote by Rumi " It's your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you." This quote Say's so much they i interpret it is you are your best person others may help along the way but no one can be more there for YOU then YOU!... This is something that unfortunately is starting to become more and more true, it's something you may be prepared for and may come with some difficulty but know that what ever pain or depression your feeling in the end that's where the light will shine brightest from and get the strength and will you need to take your life where you want it to go. It's just so easy to let whatever pain you feel to consume you but you gotta be your best cheerleader and know it will past, Sometimes you just need to feel that sadness/depression to come to realize what you truly need and I never thought certain people i thought i could talk to were the very ones i dread most having to see or talk too. This is the point where you have to go on a personal journey and go within your self to take back your life where you have more happy, amazing, good feeling days! then the sad, depressed days that have you in your head! I love to go over a quote from harry potter... Yes LOL harry potter "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light " -Albus Dumbledore  This quote i constantly read to myself when everything just feels like its crashing down and it will all be okay because there is a light at the end where everything will just lift and it will all be clear to be YOU! Then you can go on the path to confidence, happiness and most of all YOU! 

This is something I've been feeling for the past couple of weeks and I'm finally starting to open my eyes and letting myself just think it all through and i hope this can help someone who get's in their heads. Have an awesome day and be YOU! 

Follow me! So you know when i post next!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Just A Minuet!... Judgement

Hey Guys so its been about a month since i posted and I've said this before but i don't ever wanna post just because i feel i have to. I want it all to feel very organic and genuine. So first wanted to say i wanna try to post at least two times a week on Monday and Thursday, Their will always be at least one post but I'm gonna get two out a week! So today I'm writing another just a minuet and this time i wanted to talk about judgment this is a very controversial word where a bunch and bunch of people feel they have the power to judge someone based on multiple things which i wanted to touch on a few! First i wanted to talk about how I've been personally judged I'm someone who is very accepting of what or whoever you are as long as your happy and being your true self! For me I've been judged on my looks and how i act now as i got older i started to really not care and i know I'm comfortable with myself minus those few things that everyone has that they are hard on them self. For me I've been judged on not being the most social person I'm a pretty big introvert where i don't exactly like being inside all the time but I either want to just go out by self for hours which for me feels really good or go out with someone I've known for years and years and they know what kind of person i am. There's times where I've wanted to be way more extroverted and missed out on something, but that's just who i am and I'm very comfortable with being that way. I'm not someone who's afraid to talk to people but just prefer to be alone or someone i trust but even then I hate being in a huge crowd of people and I feel I'm gonna explode from the inside out and just shut down which i think is social anxiety. Now I've gotten way better with being introverted but i cannot stand those people who legit get mad because your not as social as them some people are social butterflies and can talk to anyone. I could do that but i have my limits and they judge but if they knew what it was like to get anxiety they wouldn't push so hard but even then who knows.. LOL! So getting into what i said earlier where i don't care who what or whatever you are as long as your being your 100% true self. Then i am your biggest supporter, but i think it is so wrong how many people hate on people for color, size, and sexuality. They are normal people who are just doing what your doing being their self, if they want to work on stuff then that's their own choice and no one has any say unless asked. I know people of different races, different sizes, all kinds of sexuality and i would never ever in a million years tell them their wrong for what they are doing. I just wish people who could be more understanding of people who love who they are no matter their size, color or sexuality. BUT in today's society their are tons of people who are very understanding but even more disheartening theirs a ton more of those who feel they have the power to judge you! This would probably be my number one pet peeve who are you to judge someone if they are a different size or color, or gay, bi, trans and many other types of sexuality's that someone identify's with it's none of business who they want to be. We just need to let everyone live their life and how they want no judgment passed, but I'm not naive and i hope one day we could all just accept any one no matter their choice. So that was my little rant i could of gone on for so much longer but i just wanted to hit on a few key things and i hope when your reading this if your someone who judges that you can see them for what they are just a normal person just like you me and everyone else. 

P.S. if you didn't know i have a YouTube channel and i kinda fell off the wagon but i have a ton of ideas! and If you want the end of this week i will have a new video! :D 

Have a wonderful day! :D and stay tuned for Thursdays post! 
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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Playlist Live Orlando 2016!

Hey guys, So today wanted to tell you about Playlist Live my last touched on it a little but this is everything! Let's get started, if you don't know what playlist live is its YouTube convention where YouTuber's, Fans, Viners basically anyone who loves and wants to meet their favorite online person it's usually a 3 Day event, Business day, and then the two days are regular playlist activities. If you wanna see what i did for business day check out my last post! Second day of playlist for me was just basically seeing a punch of panels which is when a group of YouTuber's sit on stage and talk about a certain topic or host Q and A session. If you didn't know i went to Playlist Live with my best friend Faith her and i were together for the most part minus a couple of hours for other events we did separate. I started with a panel that had The Shaytards, CullenandKatie, Carliestylez ( Moderator), dailyBumps and OlviaHas2Moms. This panel was basically just whats it like vlogging with a family and i thought it was an awesome it was cool to these family you watched on stage actually there. After that i found the main stage and with the main stage was all shopping and this is what did me in lol i spent so much money but i don't regret a single penny. After shopping for two hours i met up with my friend faith a new friend she made and we did more shopping lol i just couldn't say no. After finally being done shopping we went and got some lunch then went to the Epiphone stage and we were there from 3- till about 6:30. We got to see our favorite YouTuber's which was amazing their were some really amazing awesome panels that gave an insight in to YouTube that you may not of known. So we first saw Ladies who lunch which is a podcast that was being held on stage live! which was amazing and if you don't know who the lovely ladies our that would be Cat Valdes (Catrific) and Ingrid Nielsen! This was an awesome podcast really touched on serious topics that everyone wants some insight into. Next we saw a bunch of YouTuber's were on stage just talking about how its like growing up on YouTube and how you've taken your growth :D Then our ending panel was a Q and A with Alfie Deyes (Pointlessblog) and Marcus Butler. These two guys were just funny and you could tell they were being their 100% true self. That was Day 2 at playlist Live which i gotta was amazing... But the last day was probably my favorite day so it was the last day of playlist live :( we didn't want it to end but we made the best out of it! So my best friend and i went their around 11 went to a couple panels shopped around then got some lunch :) it was a very chilled day! So this is were the amazingness began it was time for our meetups! which if your not sure what they are its basically just you signup to meet your favorite YouTuber you can take pictures with and talk to for a little its an awesome experience!So my meetup was to meet Strawburry17 ( Meghan Camarena)  I was so excited i had been watching her since Vlogcandy and just always watched her the past 9 years she has been on YouTube! This was amazing that i actually got to meet my favorite YouTuber we talked a little and got a picture, and that guys was the end of playlist live. Let me just say a huge thank you to all the YouTubers who came out for the fans and met took pictures signed stuff! and also a HUGE thank you to everyone involved in the process of making playlist happen! Its truly an amazing friendly atmosphere where you feel 100% your trueself and you know no ones their to judge you because we all are their to have an amazing time and have 3 days solid dedicated to YouTube! I think everyone should go if you can its really the most amazing experience with the most wonderful nicest people :D 
So guys that's my First Playlist Live and definitely not my last, i hope you guys have an amazing day :) 

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The Amazing Tour Is Not On Fire And Disney World!

Hey guys! I'm finally back from my vacation in Florida let me just say it was amazing right off the bat. My best friend and i landed in Orlando and then the adventure began we were on our way straight to Disney World after being on a flight for a few hours. So we got to Disney World and it was amazing so excited and it was like we were kids i think when you enter Disney no matter your age everyone turns into one big kid which i think is awesome! We started off on the dumbo ride which was kind awesome then we went to which i guess is a staple ride we went on the tea cups. Just continued going on rides taking breaks here and there then went to this place called PhilarMagic and i was totally against it i didn't wanna see a show lol but once it started it was amazing it was liked a 4-D experience when something sweet came on the screen you smelled a pie, it was windy you got blown with a fan and of course as always throwing a little bit of water in! After all the rides and shopping we went to a nice fancy dinner at Be Our Guest which was a take from beauty and the beast and let me tell you it was amazing the french onion soup was wonderful! it was amazing the food was wonderful the service... everything was great. Then to top off the night we got the meet the Master of Arms The Beast himself! This was an awesome opening to our trip but was only just the beginning. Next was TATINOF which if you don't is a comedy show done by Danisnotonfire and theamazingphil and this was their first USA Tour! So we started the day just scoping out playlist live which was awesome you went in and immediately just felt welcomed, Because everyone there has a love for Internet just like you and you could be your 100% true self talk about all the awesome amazing YouTuber's and know you were not gonna be judge at all. Normally you just walked by with something YouTube related on and next thing you know were all talking about our favorite. Then of course the shopping began which is barley dent compared to the rest we bought TATINOF tour shirt then just walked around more. So...Back to this comedy show i never been to any type of YouTuber type show before and i didn't know what to expect let me tell you guys the waiting was intense! by intense i mean 8 hours of standing in line. Once we finally got to sit down for the show it was like a breathe of fresh air you know its finally happening after all this time. My friends and i got 3rd row middle stage which was probably the best seating EVER! we could see everything crystal clear, now I'm not gonna talk about the show to much because they done spoilers and anything out there. Eventually it will be online to watch, just let me say it was incredible you never once looked away or wanted to do something else you were always smiling and laughing and honestly the 8 hours of waiting was totally worth i would recommend if Dan and Phil are in your area and you can still get tickets do it! it was amazing and a memory i will never forget. Thank You so much for reading and have awesome day :D

Twitter- Follow me
Dan and Phil Tour- Tickets  

Friday, April 8, 2016

Just a Minute "Believe in yourself"

Hey guys I'm back again with Just a Minute haven't done one of these in a long time mostly
because i wanted to break it up. So what Ive decided is every Thursday i will write Just a Minute. Except on April 21st i will be on vacation in Florida with my best friend if you wanna check what I'm doing read my last post its some pretty exciting stuff. So today's topic in believe in yourself, i personally struggle with always critiquing myself if i have what seems like a great idea. I think to myself no your never gonna do that that's not gonna happen which is a terrible way to think. I also often put that on others they tell me their awesome ideas and i always say really that's gonna happen I'm not mean by but who i am to say it wont happen. I firmly believe if you truly want something to happen and you put in the work then it will happen. The hardest part is if you really wanna get others in on it for their feedback you have to be prepared for some form of criticism. Now hopefully you have your core group were you want them to be as honest as can be and even then sometimes that's a hard pill to swallow but, in the long run it may help. So i really wanna make something with blogging and starting a YouTube and by that i mean i wanna get way more involved. I always have little ideas that I'm like ''hey that's sounds pretty good" i think it over a couple days i immediately take that idea and chuck it right out the window. Which is a horrible and everyone does it but i need to start believing in myself even if the end result is not exactly what you wanted at least you finally did it. I also am a shy person no where were it used to be but i still am shy and awkward sometimes which is me I'm a silly goofy person. I don't care what people think in the terms of if I'm acting silly who cares its me or if i wanna do or wear something that's pretty bold do it. Don't let anyone tell you who you are, always have a self awareness of you. Getting back to believe in yourself your gonna get critics out of everywhere and some may even leave because they don't see the same vision as you. If they cant support you on a journey towards what you wanna do who are they to judge it doesn't effect them. Now I'm a Italian so sometimes my mouth speaks before my brain and I'm not afraid to fire back at someone or tell someone how it is straight from the start i have mastered lol how to do it nicely so that's a plus. In all seriousness don't ever stop believing in yourself or the goals you have set, don't let others judge you and don't judge others. If someones wearing clothes that may be odd or a crazy hair or something just think they are believing in them selves for how they want to dress or whatever it is personally if they are truly 100% happy I'm their biggest fan and cheering for them on the sidelines! :D So that was today's topic something very close to my heart and one of my biggest goals:) If you wanna know when these blogs go live follow me on twitter linked below and while your their check out my YouTube channel in the bio i only have two videos but I'm coming up with all kinds of new content i wanna put out :) Have an awesome day and don't forget to believe in yourself! 

Follow me on: Twitter

Friday, April 1, 2016

Just a Minute..Playlist Live, Disney World and Surprise!!!

Hey guys i wanted to come and talk about whats gonna be going on in the next 3 weeks! OMG!!!! Let me just say how flipping excited i am, i love to travel and go all over if i could i would do it multiple times a year but I'm thankful I'm able to do this. So April 21st my friend and i will be flying to Orlando,
Florida for Playlist Live 2016 i cannot even put into words how excited,nervous, and every emotion you can think of I'm feeling but i wouldn't want it any other way. If you guys have never heard of playlist live its this HUGE YouTube convention hosted in Orlando, Florida for the past 6 years its kinda like Vidcon in the way that a huge gathering for creators on YouTube, Vine etc.. where as a fan you can go and actually get to meet your favorite YouTuber or Viner etc and maybe meet others who share the same interest in the same YouTuber or other creators. I just think this sounds amazing Ive seen plenty of vlogs over the years it always looks crazy and amazing in the best way possible. I thought man i would love to go to that even though I'm pretty shy and have a hard time opening up and talking to strangers let lone in a huge hotel with thousands of people and i get anxiety but i cant let that stop me from actually being able to do something Ive wanted to do. I'll post later with tips i use about how i deal with the anxiety and be able to get through without feeling to overwhelm. Back to playlist! i never thought i would go not because i couldn't but i didn't want to go alone some do and more power too you! i could never do that, I'm going with my best friend of 15 years and is the most social person i know and is gonna be partner in crime and i wouldn't want to go with anyone else plus we both have such a huge love for YouTube/ this whole community of just posting online. I've been following playlist live on twitter for the best updates and from what Ive read this years its gonna be more crazy amazing! and i cannot wait, to be in a huge room where every one's gonna have the same passion and ton of vlogging where no one will judge or look at you weird for talking to camera. You'll have like a huge family where every 100% understands and is with you! Yeah you read the title I'm also going to Disney World more specific Magic Kingdom with my best friend. Were going for one day but you best believe I'm gonna suck it all up and enjoy everything i can while i can, this for both of us our second time at Disney but just being able to go with your best friend you already know its gonna be amazing. Lets talk serious business what are we gonna do while were there we signed for fast pass which is like a faster way to get through lines and go on as many rides as we can. First is Space Mountain one of my favorite rides i went on this multiple times its all indoors which i know sounds kinda BLAH! but its AMAZING!! there are ton of big drops and really cool lights and glow in dark! one of the best indoor rides. Next were going on big thunder mountain Ive never been on this but my friend wanted this one and it looks pretty cool and last for just our fast pass is the teacups ride which i guess is a staple ride and Ive never gone it and actually looks amazing if you like high speed and spinning which sign me up for all of it LOL! We also wanna go to a nice dinner but its really hard to get into but were gonna try our and we will get in some where to enjoy the most magical place on earth! I'm sure you may be wondering whats this surprise so on Friday April 22nd My best friend and i will be attending the first day of the USA tour of .... The Amazing Tour Is Not on Fire with danisnotonfire and theamazingphil! My friend and i are HUGE fans of them and we always talked about what if they come to the USA and months later they announce it. Dan and Phil are HUGE Internet sensations who truly i believe 100% care about the fans and do everything they can to provide us with awesome amazing content. They have 9 million subscribers between them both where they have their own personal channels that are the best on the Internet! Then one of my favorite they have a danandphilgames! where they play awesome games where they either play together or they do a little competition for who will win *insert awesome music* all three of the channels are amazing and i highly suggest you check all them out. That's what will be going the next 3 weeks i cannot wait for this just finally gonna travel and do a bunch of stuff with my best friend in the world and travel with my partner in crime. I already know just being with her this will be the best vacation ever! i cannot wait and i will update you guys periodically leading up to it on here and on twitter i will be tweeting more. I also will link The playlist live website and if anyone wants to go or if the danandphil tour still has tickets. Well i hope you enjoyed this i love writing and just expressing, i hope you all have an amazing day :) and do something new you normally wouldn't :) ill talk to you all soon :D 

Playlist Live:
Playlist Live:Twitter

Friday, March 18, 2016

The Divergent Series: Allegiant Movie Review!

Hey Guys, I know i have not blogged in a while but i am back at it again today
with a movie review. I'm gonna just jump right into it, So Allegiant is the third movie out of two Divergent and Insurgent which are both really good movies and i highly recommend through out this movie I'm gonna try to not give away to many spoilers from the past 3 movies. Allegiant is set after the events that took place in insurgent which was a fight in Chicago to test all divergents so they can figure out if there really was anything beyond the wall that has closed off their city for years and years. So skip forward to the aftermath and whats happening now this movie once again follows Beatrice (Tris) Prior and Tobias (Four) Eaton as well as some friend and allies Christina, Caleb Prior, and Peter. Tris has this itching feeling to find out whats been going on after the message they had received from people who were beyond years ago telling them there is life and activity beyond the wall and no one should be closed off or be put into this faction system that has controlled their city for years and years. Tris, Four and friends go beyond the wall to look for answers and see if there really is peace. On there journey they deal with fighting the "army"from Chicago that wants them back so they don't find answers, But that's not the case. They learn some shocking truths as to whats really been going on beyond the wall and now Tris and Four are in for a battle against humanity its self, and who they can trust to survive. Tris now must make some difficult decisions about love, sacrifice and allegiance. 

So personally i thought this movie was amazing and of course the acting was amazing, the story lines really brought you after you learn some new and old truths that now make you wonder what really happen 200 years ago. It was like the movie drew you in the second it started on the big screen and once you saw Tris and Four then you knew the movie was really getting started. Visually this movie is stunning and one of the best Ive seen this year and was most anticipated for in my eyes. Over night the movie only made 2.4 million which i guess is a low out of the franchise but also went to number 1 in box offices, with the movie officially coming out today i think that number will rise way to the top. You also see some pretty mixed reviews, i think because people really liked the book and the book like any other book to film movie is always more rich in story. They cant put every word in the book, i think people who are very into the books should not let that cloud their judgement for this amazingly told and directed film and i think this will just soar if it kicks off today. So i hope you guys like this and gives a little taste of what Allegiant will have in it and i will see you guys next year for The Divergent Series:Ascendant

Have a great day guys :D 
Follow me on twitter so you know when a new post is up :)
Also check out the awesome song at the end credits:)
Scars by Tove Lo

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Just a Minute! Don't be afraid of change!

Hey Guys! I know Ive been gone for a long time about 2 weeks i have not posted anything! I was kinda just down and could not think of a single solitary thing to write and i don't want to write just because i have too i wanna do it because i actually enjoy doing it. So along those lines lets jump right into today's topic of just a minuet "Don't be a afraid of change!" What this means to me is no matter what your doing don't feel like the need to have to stay in something. I totally get it when it comes down to something like financially or you have a family but even then no one should of do something because they have to but its a basic norm for us because everyone has bills and stuff they need to do and they find a job where its decent money but then you may get paid really but you could be totally unhappy! This could apply to a hobby you have and if your doing it because you feel like because everyone in your family or friends doing it you have too. I just think that's not right and should have a level of enjoyment out of it and even if its something that society would classify as not a norm for a gender who cares if your a girl and you wanna do stuff that people think only guys do DO IT! who cares if you are enjoying your self do it! or if your a guy and you like things that girls DO IT! I cannot stand when someone says you cant do that you have to do this only a specific gender does that! NO! Don't be afraid to change what your doing to something you really wanna do. Everyone should just accept everyone regardless of what it is no has that high of power where you can judge someone based on something you think is morally and ethically wrong. Sometimes you have those people who have their beliefs and are very set in those ways and does not given any wiggle room and i think its sad and i just wish everyone could accept everyone no matter what they like to do, or don't do as long as no ones offending something or someone. So where this hits home for me is i have a YouTube channel where Ive posted a few videos it started off fun where i loved editing and making an end slate just anything creative was something i really enjoyed and worked really hard! As weeks gone by i was starting to look at my channel and filming became a chore and i didn't really enjoy it i thought of cool ideas i did and filmed where i genuinely had fun filming but i was not super proud of it. So i have been watching a lot of YouTube videos i started to notice i really like gaming channels more then anything that's most of my subscriptions/ what i watch most on YouTube. So i started thinking and i have already created a channel for it I'm gonna make a switch to gaming videos and once i week i wanna do a channel or vlog something along the lines of that. I'm gonna private the current channel i have and maybe way down the road use that as a second channel for vlogs or extras. Ultimately it came down to where i just didn't have confidence in filming and did not like how i looked, i wasn't really nervous filming that felt comfortable but looking at footage i just was uncomfortable with how i looked which in return made me feel super self conscious and pretty depressed which no one in my life would ever know since i can hide it well. Now Ive decided I'm gonna do what i truly have a passion and interest for. I can't wait to get everything set up for this new channel its gonna take a while since i have to buy some stuff but it will all be worth it because it will make me happy to the point where i can actually have fun with a YouTube channel! I hope what you guys can take from this post is "Don't be a Afraid"! If you don't want to do something and you can afford to make the transition then let YOURSELF! be HAPPY! Which is so important to feel HAPPY and Proud of yourself and the decisions you've made no matter what anyone says! Don't let anyone judge you if your having fun with it then do you :) Don't be afraid to be YOU! 
Have an amazing night/day and let YOU be YOU! :D 

If you wanna know when i start my gaming adventure 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Just a Minute 3! Pressure! AHHH!

Hey guys, so i haven't blogged in a really long time i just kinda wasn't in the mood and i would never wanna just write something because nothing is up. So today i wanted to talk about when you feel like you need to do something just for the sake of doing to get it over with it! This feeling is someone no one just have to feel and its kinda sad that being pressured by someone or something is what our society has put into our heads! For me I'm 22 about to be 23 in two months and i constantly I'm told i need to get a job i need to go full time and i need get a car etc... This is one thing that i feel is no ones business but your own i mean its your life and your the one who has to live it so why should have to fall into a norm, to touch on what i feel when someone more someones multiple people have told me this i need to get a job mind you i have a job okay its not the best job its  a bagger at a grocery store which Ive talked about in previous but any-who i don't plan one bit to stay working in a grocery store but for now its okay but like everyone says Anthony i have to get to real job this is the one that really makes my blood boil! I don't care if your bagger like me or corporate VIP in a huge fortune 500 company here's the thing their both jobs yes one way probably quadruple what the other does but who cares you have a job. A job isn't just having to work heavy manual labor which of course is a very hard job but that's not for everyone! I just want you guys to know no matter what don't let anymore pressure into doing a job or activity or etc... Just based on it being the norm, if your happy were you are no matter what STAY! and be happy by no ones I'm i say don't better yourself you should always want to and i liked to think most people will but that will come when their ready to LEAVE! I've been at my job for 2 1/2 years I've been yelled at, and degraded at by people who are my family or close friends just tearing my job to shreds! This makes a person feel worthless like you wont get better just because your not doing what they say! My pointer is YOU DO YOU! if you agree with what they then you go glen coco and you move ahead! Or if your not ready to move on and your waiting for or have plan then stick to this plan and follow through! Their is nothing more entertaining then proving to that person who nagged at you degradding your job and they see how much hard work/ your plan coming to a head and working out! On positive note i hope you guys are able to take from this that you do you! no matter what you have to stay true to you because in the end that's one of your biggest critique's  and one of the main voices that is gonna help get through those negative reactions and just let them roll of your back! Its your life and your road to walk on and you'll meet others along the way but solely its up to you how you want your LIFE walked! 

Have an awesome night and morning! 
- Anthony :D

Monday, January 25, 2016

Just Minute 2- Depression/Axiety

Hey guys! So recently in the past couple months I've really been dealing with my battle do depression and anxiety more then ever! It all started when I went to the doctor for a heart problem I've been having for about a year and I went on a heart monitor for a week and it caught nothing. Which was super disappointing to hear in terms of that I'm still dealing with this tickling tingling sensation which is very uncomfortable! I always have it on my mind but I'm a very positive thinker and don't like to think the worse in things so I really go with all the punches and find a silver lining! But I kept getting knocked down I got three scars from this heart monitor which looking kinda is a reminder that I had to wear that in a time I don't want to remember! But again I was okay this sucks but don't worry :D then I had a really liver count to put the topping and it all and turns out I have Gilbert syndrome Which is totally harmless and is just when a bilirubin isn't processed properly in your liver which this was a huge weight lifted off my chest but before this I was so nervous and I freaked out I had a melt down the other day and cried almost all day and I'm not an emotional person but with all this just weighing on my shoulders I've been thinking the worker in everything that could happen but I'm came to this  realization! Sometimes you just need a good cry, ever since that I've felt 100XS better not really super worried about the doctors! I started thinking positively about my blog:) and YouTube I wanna start to take off:D Along with your mind being your strongest medicine to help you think it all through and if you can find that will power to not let those thoughts come through you got this and this ride will be so smooth barley in bumps! I found this quote by  Michael Jordan " Don't be afraid to fail.  Be afraid to not try" This quote really made me think a okay no matter what the fails or bumps are don't let It bring you down take some time but get right back and re-evaluate and make YOU happy!

Having an amazing positive day!:D 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

YouTube Plan!

Hey guys! Kind of a late post it's about 11:22 pm I've been thinking all day about how I cannot wait till I get this YouTube and blog really going! Tomorrow after work gonna start planning out YouTube videos I'm in a rut I think of something but it's been done! I've thought to myself that doesn't matter you gotta do what you would love to film and not worry about if others are doing it! I'm not gonna be one of those youtubers who do it just because it's popular! I wanna do it and sincerely want to do it but also of course if it takes off I would love to have suggestions from people I think that would be so cool! Do get an opinion from the watchers of the videos and cannot wait to interact and really have fun with this! So with that I want to give my little advice for the blog that no matter what you love you or what it is everyone has different things and hobbies that really speak about who they are even if it may seem not so interesting to others do it don't worry about what others think of course take consideration but i don't think you should ever change just because it's not what is the "norm" for hobbies or materialistic things like collecting DO IT! It's important and fun for YOU! For me I love Digimon, Pokemon, Minecraft mini boxes! Testing out cool pins on Pinterest or weird candy etc.. I have so many ideas for when I start uploading I wanan do at least 2-3 videos a week! I'm Genuinely excited like a little kid on Christmas! Look forward towards the next two-three weeks I'm gonna. Really start taking my YouTube off :) I just had to have a brain fart first to think about it and my plan!

Have an amazing day :)

If you want follow me on Twitter :D

Check out my Harry Potter Tag! 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Hey guys! 

I hope your day is going amazing, so far mine has been pretty good! I finally did something I've wanted to do for years which was make and post YouTube videos! Guess what!!! I'm actually doing this makes me so happy I've been wanting a creative outlet and what better then make awesome fun videos. So like everyone I was so nervous to post or do anything with it but then I thought okay it's just a video and you were bold off to put yourself out there for others watch so you can maybe make thier day better, which is one of my goals. I wanna make this YouTube to be something where people go and have fun watching and it could be a get away to watch a 10 minuet video to make their day feel better! I know for me when I feel sad or just kinda blah i watch a variety of youtubers honestly 100% makes me feel better! I know it may seem silly but just relaxing escaping and watching videos that truly interest you. This is a pretty short post but I just wanted to let you guys knows and would be awesome if you checked it out!

Have an amazing day! 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Power of Journaling!

 Hey guys! So i just wanted to write a little about journaling, so this is something pretty new to me but I've been doing it for almost month. I got a leather journal that i had been wanting for Christmas from my aunt and also got a nice pen i felt like you needed a fancy pen to journal lol that's my thought process. So journaling i always thought i wanted to do it but never thought about but watching and reading up on it and i thought okay this could actually help. I sometimes once in a while like everyone else get a little depressed or just not feeling the best at times and your thoughts consume you if someone says they don't lies lol its normal. So i started writing in my journal on December 25th 2015 and from that point on honestly I've felt pretty good with myself but those moments still happen not nearly as much. I'm one of those people that if i start thinking negative or way to much about something i just tell myself stop! i don't think about it anymore. Just a little more of a back story growing up until i was 19 i was painfully shy like i hated talking to anyone i didn't know and would feel anxiety inside thought of having to talk to stranger really made me nervous. I got over this once i moved to Chicago for school and in Chicago most of the people talk to everyone plus i had to get around the city i wasn't going to get anywhere if i didn't ask. I remember one time i legitimately got lost for 3 hours and i didn't want to ask anymore because i was so freaked out. I started to get better with talking to strangers and started thinking okay i need to get out of this because i was an extreme introvert. Simple things like starting a conversation with someone i did not know was a big step for me so after living out there for about a year i would talk to people and actually act like myself and not worry about being judged by everyone because that was really one of my big things i was so freaked out that even if i was with friends and they wanted to just have fun i thought everyone around me was going to judge me but that was so silly to think when i should of just acted like myself and not worried. Lets skip forward to 4 years later i don't mind talking to people doesn't bother me at all, i don't feel as anxious I'm still introverted since that just the type of person i am I've improved so much.Getting back to journaling and how this has helped me i don't start writing to really late at night probably 12-1 am that's just my peaceful time every ones asleep in the house and i can just write uninterrupted. I usually write about 3 pages night before i start falling asleep LOL! Along with writing listening to music is also a great way to relax and listen to music one of my favorites is Olivver the Kid - The boy who cried wolf. This album is amazing and personally for me just really makes me feel relaxed and like i can really start to step out of my comfort zone and just me :) which is a great feeling and i would highly recommend him every ones gonna have their own take way but he is a great artist with amazing powerful lyrics! One last thing that i always like to include in my journaling is quotes recently I've been a huge fan of looking for really inspirational ones that speaks to me. My all time favorite is " It's your road, and yours alone other may walk with you but, no one can walk it for you" -Rumi. That's all for tonight's post i challenge you guys to really get a pen a paper you don't have to have a fancy journal just a notebook the feeling of writing it relieves so much and to see what you've wrote out in-front of you.
Everyone have an awesome night :) 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Just a Minute

Hey guys, so today is kinda a day where I feel like I don't know how I feel. So I'm 22 years old and I work at grocery store that's definitely not where I wanna be in my life and I constantly feel like and I'm told how I need get a different job and get my life together. What I would enjoy most is if I could actually film a YouTube video so I could have something I actually would enjoy doing. What I was gonna be doing was be a medical assisting which is not really a thing since I've been out of school for so long that at this point I would have to go back for 2 years spend more money and I'm already so far in the whole with debt! It's not really worth it by the time I get my degree and everything done it will be 10 years. So now I'm stuck with not knowing what to do in life and I feel stuck and constantly going through stages of depression. So my goal in life is to get this blog going post a little more and start filming for my YouTube channel that created and I have a ton of ideas for! So with all that going I'm gonna start being more positive and really let my self express who I am! This a short post but I really wanted to vent a little and needed minuet! So guys no matter what if someone's constantly knocking you down or have someone who's shutting you out! Just know that "it's your road ,and yours alone, others may walk with you, but no one can walk it for you -Rumi!
Have an awesome day guys!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

2016! Year of New

Hey! Guys, haven't posted since the week before Christmas was just kinda in a writing block and took a little break didn't feel to encourage! Its a new year 2016! This gonna be the year of new which for me means doing a bunch of stuff I've thought about doing! Already my best friend and i have secured a hotel and in a little over a week we will be by buying our PLAYLIST LIVE tickets!!!! I cannot wait I've always wanted to go to one of these and now we are!!! We are also gonna do a day at universal and go to harry potter world! which is the best place on earth LOL! I really want this year to be about new step out of my comfort zone do things i thought i was too scared to do and just do it don't worry about how the ending will be or if someone will like it just gotta do it! Another new i will be doing this year is starting a YouTube channel which is started and set up but I've been kinda hesitant to start filming and was thinking to much into what people may perceive about me! Cant think that way no matter what their will always be people saying something negative don't worry about them and just have to do you and be your true self and not change for anything or anyone! Really strive for those goals you have to set little milestones for yourself even the smallest thing towards one of your goals means your actually closer and closer to finishing it! I cant wait to start and have 2016 be my Year of New! Like a said earlier i was in a writing block but also felt pretty down and not excited or that happy! I got out of that hole and never want to fall in it, i surrounded myself with good people and these two quotes. First is from Harry Potter and was said by Dumbledore " Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light" This quote just speaks to me and really makes feel like i can do something and i shouldn't let anything bring me down! The second quote is by gentlemen who said "It's your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you" - Rumi How i see this is its your life and your time, you may share it with others but in the end its solely yours and yours alone and no one should be given the power to change it but YOU! I couldn't be more excited to be doing what wanted to do for years and I'm finally going do it and do it with my ALL! :) I hope you guys also have an amazing awesome Year of New! I challenge you guys do something new you've thought about and do it! Make a little change towards goal no matter how big or small those are still steps towards it :D So guys thanks for reading this and have an amazing wondering Year of New! 

Don't forget to follow me on twitter @__AnthonyJohn :D