Friday, January 8, 2016

Just a Minute

Hey guys, so today is kinda a day where I feel like I don't know how I feel. So I'm 22 years old and I work at grocery store that's definitely not where I wanna be in my life and I constantly feel like and I'm told how I need get a different job and get my life together. What I would enjoy most is if I could actually film a YouTube video so I could have something I actually would enjoy doing. What I was gonna be doing was be a medical assisting which is not really a thing since I've been out of school for so long that at this point I would have to go back for 2 years spend more money and I'm already so far in the whole with debt! It's not really worth it by the time I get my degree and everything done it will be 10 years. So now I'm stuck with not knowing what to do in life and I feel stuck and constantly going through stages of depression. So my goal in life is to get this blog going post a little more and start filming for my YouTube channel that created and I have a ton of ideas for! So with all that going I'm gonna start being more positive and really let my self express who I am! This a short post but I really wanted to vent a little and needed minuet! So guys no matter what if someone's constantly knocking you down or have someone who's shutting you out! Just know that "it's your road ,and yours alone, others may walk with you, but no one can walk it for you -Rumi!
Have an awesome day guys!

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