Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Hey guys! 

I hope your day is going amazing, so far mine has been pretty good! I finally did something I've wanted to do for years which was make and post YouTube videos! Guess what!!! I'm actually doing this makes me so happy I've been wanting a creative outlet and what better then make awesome fun videos. So like everyone I was so nervous to post or do anything with it but then I thought okay it's just a video and you were bold off to put yourself out there for others watch so you can maybe make thier day better, which is one of my goals. I wanna make this YouTube to be something where people go and have fun watching and it could be a get away to watch a 10 minuet video to make their day feel better! I know for me when I feel sad or just kinda blah i watch a variety of youtubers honestly 100% makes me feel better! I know it may seem silly but just relaxing escaping and watching videos that truly interest you. This is a pretty short post but I just wanted to let you guys knows and would be awesome if you checked it out!

Have an amazing day! 

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