Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Life... And All It Brings!!!

Hey guys so long time no write lol... I'm back to writing after being a little unmotivated, But not anymore I've been thinking about it for a while and finally feel like blogging again so I can stick to a schedule! So lets start off with its NOVEMBER!!!!!! HOLY CRAP!!! how did this happen Christmas is in a little over 4 weeks! 2017 is creeping up on us and fast. Second I wanna talk about my future for this blog... So I wanna keep writing and stick to a schedule to stay motivated and write two days a week and maybe thinking about adding another day to introduce a little topic i wanna start. Next I wanna redesign this blog so i can add my personal touch to it and so it looks really good for people reading! Lets take a tiny little turn into darkness lol lately I've been having little bouts of depression and not totally sure why but none the less its not fun. I've been feeling like I'm getting picked on for the littlest of things and after a while the build up drives me insane! for a while I've been contemplating getting away for a few days just to kind of relax and be by myself,I'm not one of those people who need to surrounded by those I'm close with. For me being by myself getting away and not having to really worry about anything at least for a little to think is what helps me out. So in either January or February I will be going to a hotel for 2-3 days just enough time to clear my head feel good again. So that's my little update so far, i hope you guys are excited for more posts and consistency on here and I will see you guys in a few days :D have an awesome day! 

Follow me on Twitter for more updates! @__anthonyjohn

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