Sunday, September 18, 2016

Just a Minute....

Hey Guys, so... I haven't posted in probably a couple months I'm not going to try to make up some excuse I just didn't have the motivation and never want this blog to feel like a chore. Today I wanted to talk about life and how it's been kinda like one big F***K you, I don't really do anything super interesting I work as much as I can and hang out with my close knit friends. Lately, it's kind felt super boring and I want that to change I want to go on adventures and travel. One of the things that I really want to do and the passion is there but the motivation is next to zero what this is a YouTube channel. I have talked about this countless of times and I have not posted anything in probably months and months. The more I start watching other YouTubers the more I feel inspired and have tons of awesome ideas. Which I hope by either towards the end of this year or beginning of next year, I wanna completely  re-launch my channel and finally just do what I want and not worry about if someone's gonna watch it. I don't think that should be the main goal, of course, that's a goal but all in an all if I just got a handful of people to watch my videos I would be the happiest person to know someone else can see the effort I will put into them. With that, I need to practice consistently which I totally suck major ass at LOL! So every Sunday will be Just a Minute  and Tuesday will be Anything On My Mind? I really hope you guys can see the effort I will and have put into this blog and hopefully, do a complete re-launch on this blog once I can think of some designs for how I want this blog to look  :D 

Thank You! :D I hope we can talk and have a place of comfort to be yourself! 
Follow me for updates! Twitter - __anthonyjohn

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