Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Lets Just Talk...About Anything?!?

Hey guys its Tuesday which mean its time to kinda just rant about the most random things! So first off can we talk about how tomorrow is October 19th already this year has flown by so much faster then last year! The next two months have I have so much stuff to buy lol between birthdays and Christmas which i wanna try to get done by the end of next month! Woo! Next I've been obsessed with video games which isn't odd but i normally don't play many and I'm loving it!!! First was batman arkham origins then Beyond Two Souls which if you have not played I 100% totally recommend it. This game is so interactive which i love then the story and graphics are incredible! Last but not least I've been currently play Heavy Rain which is a lot like until dawn with the choices you make kinda of affect what happens further on in the game. The last is an oldie but a goodie! Resident Evil: Code Veronica X I love this game its awesome because it has Chris and Clair Redfield which is amazing but the adventure you go on is intense,nerve racking, awesome. Totally a game you wanna play! This was a totally random post but i just wanted to give a little update on what I'm doing and I can't wait to talk to you guys again! See you on Sunday!

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Have an awesome Day!!! :D

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Just a Minute....Depression Part 2?...

Hey guys so I'm gonna be posting a day earlier just really felt like i needed to write! So.. i know I've wrote about depression before but its still there and honestly more and more hits me. So by no means I'm I like life shattering depressed but every now and then It hits me in waves and last for a while and I think like a lot of others you try to hide it and don't let anyone know that you are and put on the biggest facade! Then once your by yourself and the fake smiles and happiness is over your left with depression and its a crappy feeling more so then anything the last couple days/week. I can get very down on myself pretty easily but i try and i think moderately succeed at it which is not something I wanna be good at it. I want to be able talk to someone and get it all out but for me it would be so hard to actually open my mouth and let it all out. I just kinda feel like I'm in the middle of the room screaming and no one can hear me at all no matter how loud i get. I feel so secluded with what everyone else wants to do and people get mad at me when I don't feel like going out drinking and being around a bunch of people. That's not who I am which is when it gets so frustrating that people don't understand okay let me stop asking, because he may feel uncomfortable (very true) There's nothing wrong with going out and sometimes I'm all about it but if i dont know the people very well or if I don't really connect right away i feel like closing up in a shell. I just wish people get that when I don't wanna go out and hang with their friends isn't me just being a pain in the ass! it's me freaking out and not feeling comfortable at all, with them constantly saying you have to do it NO! I don't think I'm describing this well *insert monkey emoji with hands over eyes* I may be 23 years old but I'm not one to wanna go out to the bars,parties or hang out with a huge selection of people. I have my select few that I'm so comfortable with but even then some of them still are like NO! you can't do that, like why can't I be who i am which is just the kinda outgoing/introverted person who just wants to hang out go to the movies get some food, shop go on vacation. That's me and that who i am gonna stand by now sometimes Ive met a new person and I'm like wow we really really get along I wanna get to know them. I don't wanna have it shoved down my throat like its what you have to do in society, i want it to be at my own pace and if others cant understand that then maybe they aren't who i thought they would be. I hate being in a depressed hole and feeling like my whole mood all day long is like UGH! i just wanna put my hood up and sit in the corner! I just have to follow that i need to be who i want, not let others influence me into changing my character when that's what makes me.. ME! 
This post again is kinda all discombobulated but if you read this far you are awesome and can't wait to write more and more! Thank you so much and have an awesome day/night where ever you are!  

Monday, October 10, 2016

Just a Minute...When to say enough is enough?

Hey guy so for Sundays Just a Minute i wanted to talk about when to say enough is enough.What i mean when to say this is that we all know our head and mind can be a safe haven but at the same token it can be our nightmare because you can go in a million different directions in how you think about something. So I've been getting in my head about when you know someone and you kinda sorta have a connection but so many things go down then up, for me it's kinda getting old. For example ive had someone call me probably one of the worst things to be called and you get taken back like Woah! First thing to happen is anger but even after the cool down and you get a sincere apology you think okay I can forgive you but i will never forget what was said ever and honestly i don't know how i even talk to them because they don't deserve. So you think okay bad rough patch that's all nope but then again and again and again this person just keep treating you like complete garbage when you have no idea for the most idiotic reasons. This is something that sounds so odd but when i get told sorry its the most emptiest apology I've ever been told for the simple fact is they say sorry for everything.This is when I think enough is enough and you need to deal with what you should do next so that those feelings of doubt,anger or depression and the biggest one of all the arguing and fighting can stop! Now I know this is kinda an odd post but this something I think not just myself but others have to deal with as well. No matter how important the relationship is you really have to consider and think is this worth salvaging or should I just let it play out and whatever happens happens. Whatever the choice you have to be able to stick to that because if you show cracks then you'll start to doubt all the work you've put in to better your life which EVERYONE deserves! Maybe one day when everything has cooled down you can make an attempt at having a relationship again and who knows maybe that break that you decided on helped not only you but hopefully the person you took the break from and that they started to realize what they did and how they treated. So you guys can start with a fresh slate and the past is the past for a reason to be left behind with all the troubles we will face. 

With that I hope you guys have an awesome Night/Day wherever you are :D

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Twitter @__AnthonyJohn

Thursday, October 6, 2016

A New Adventure!

Hey guys! I meant to post Tuesday but i went to work and then after honestly i was just tired! But getting to today's post, is something very new to me and something scary and very very exciting. So for you guys out there i'm a HUGE photography fan I love looking at photos, I love to even more take photos. So with that I try to take what i think is the most amazing shot barley edit it at all just minor things like lighting and shadows nothing big. For as long as i can remember I've loved doing it more then anything and people always tell me hey these are really good you should consider doing this and i was like oh haha lol! But now I'm taking it more serious I had a conversation with my aunt about this amazing picture i took when flying into Chicago and i texted her and said hey look at this amazing shot. She was like WOW you should look into selling it and i was HUH? that's an interesting concept so i played with the idea and I decided I'm just gonna do it so I posted my first picture I took on society6 and put it up for sale on different things like a poster, canvas and iPhone case. It's not about the money its about maybe people will actually see this and like it and i can get a really good feedback for it and continue to do something I am so so passionate about and take more and more amazing shots! So with that guys that's my little update and it would be so awesome if you just went and gave my page a like and checked out whats on their! :) Thank you so much and have an amazing day! 

Follow Me- __AnthonyJohn
Society6- Chicago Lights

Monday, October 3, 2016

Just a Minute....Being the bigger person

Hey, guys so I'm back from my vacation and it so awesome and relaxing but I'm happy to be home and can write for you guys! 
Sundays post will be going up today and Tuesdays post will go up tomorrow as planned!  Let's get into this week's topic being the bigger person this is something we all face at some point in our life where you get in an argument with someone and you know tempers are flaring left and right, And the person is so unbelievably mad and screams at you at the top of their lungs is one not right. Everyone gets to the point where you know you can say some pretty awful things you know will hit every button on them and piss them off and hurt them real bad. BUT... You have to stop in that moment even if it's for a split second have a conversation with yourself and say okay just walk away because whatever comes out is not going to be nice and will make them mad or upset. If you can take a long enough break to step away from the situation and know okay let's go collect our thoughts and move on. This is something that you would think everyone could do and a lot of people will but honestly theirs always that person who like as a personal example. I have someone who is constantly arguing with me or screams at and we have the same temper but that doesn't give the right in my book because if I can step away and know okay this is wrong let's just stop this while you can you would hope they can well in my case no sadly. This person has said and done some horrible stuff and I'm always the bigger person who will try their best to know what to say and not say no matter what and like the old cliche saying I'll always forgive but never forget! That's something I always have and will live by because after so many times of being hurt their apologies literally mean nothing more than dirt on the ground it's so old and warn in that it doesn't even phase me anymore and goes right over my head and out one ear straight out the other! I know that sounds kinda harsh but after so many chances you can only put up with so much and why I'm writing this right now is I was just in a situation where I could have easily said every last thing to hurt this person but I thought okay that's really gonna hurt the deep and I would never want to have someone feel but I've felt from being hurt. Hence why even if in the hardest, toughest situations you gotta rise above and be the BIGGER PERSON! 

With that i will see you guys tomorrow with anything Tuesday! Have an awesome day/night where ever you are :)

Don't forget to follow me on twitter so you can see when i post next 
Follow me here:@__AnthonyJohn