Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Let's Just Talk... Movies!

Hey, guys so it's Tuesday which means it's Anything Tuesday. Today I wanted to talk about some really awesome movies I've seen lately! First, let's talk about Sully! OMG! This movie is amazing, if your not sure what it's about it's when flight 1549 had to make an emergency landing and the amazing inspiring captain Chesley Sullenberger decided on January 15th, 2009 the Hudson River was the best place for this landing and if that isn't amazing all 155 people including crew all survived by the help of the captain, first officer, crew and passengers working together. This movie really opened my eyes about stuff I didn't know for example I never knew how much scrutiny he went through with the NTSB for saving 155 lives. I would give this a 10/10 it was just amazing I know I've said this probably 5 times already but it's true! Next, would have to be Don't Breathe this movie is creepy as shit! It's about this group of "friends" who break into homes and steal all kinds of stuff and sell it for money, it follows Money (yes that's his name) , Sam, and Alex. One day Sam and Money find this article of this guy who's little girl was hit with car by a rich girl and the family didn't want to go to court so they paid the man off and was reportedly couple hundred thousand! They get to the house start looking for the money but what they think is an easy steal because this man is blind! Does not prove so easy since he's an ex-military vet, once he's caught on he shoots one of them and the other two are left fighting to survive the night and along the way find out some really messed things that have gone on in this house! This movie I would get an 8.5/10 really one to watch! Last but not least is the newest Blair Witch that was just released! Holy Crap this movie is terrifying and for me which I'm a horror movie buff it takes a lot to scare me this movie SCARED!! Me! The last time I was that scared was watching The Strangers. So back to the movie, this follows a group of friends with one imparticular named James who's sister was one of the three who got terrorized way back in the very first Blair witch movie when she and two friends decided to go and make a documentary about the black hills woods. Recently there had been some found footage of this tape that James has been looking for and really believes it's his sister. So he gets his friends and two others to go to the woods thinking he's gonna find his sister and they find a whole nother being that is beyond evil! I would give this an 11/10 it was that good acting,directing! Everything was amazing and not all found footage movies are the best but this was perfect! 

Well guys that's it for today's Lets Just Talk! I hope you enjoy this new blog series I'll be doing every Tuesday and another one called Just a Minute every Sunday! Definitely check out these movies and let me know what you think or if you have seen these movies let know in the comments or my twitter:) Have awesome day/night wherever you are located:) 

Follow me :) 

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Just a Minute....

Hey Guys, so... I haven't posted in probably a couple months I'm not going to try to make up some excuse I just didn't have the motivation and never want this blog to feel like a chore. Today I wanted to talk about life and how it's been kinda like one big F***K you, I don't really do anything super interesting I work as much as I can and hang out with my close knit friends. Lately, it's kind felt super boring and I want that to change I want to go on adventures and travel. One of the things that I really want to do and the passion is there but the motivation is next to zero what this is a YouTube channel. I have talked about this countless of times and I have not posted anything in probably months and months. The more I start watching other YouTubers the more I feel inspired and have tons of awesome ideas. Which I hope by either towards the end of this year or beginning of next year, I wanna completely  re-launch my channel and finally just do what I want and not worry about if someone's gonna watch it. I don't think that should be the main goal, of course, that's a goal but all in an all if I just got a handful of people to watch my videos I would be the happiest person to know someone else can see the effort I will put into them. With that, I need to practice consistently which I totally suck major ass at LOL! So every Sunday will be Just a Minute  and Tuesday will be Anything On My Mind? I really hope you guys can see the effort I will and have put into this blog and hopefully, do a complete re-launch on this blog once I can think of some designs for how I want this blog to look  :D 

Thank You! :D I hope we can talk and have a place of comfort to be yourself! 
Follow me for updates! Twitter - __anthonyjohn

Age...Why does it matter?!?

Hey, guys! long time no talk, So today I wanted to touch on something that has really annoyed me lately and I don't get why its such a big deal! I'm 23 years old and still have tons to learn but I'm not someone who's blind to things that happened even if it was when I was really little. I cannot stand when someone treats you like you're a two-year-old no matter the age! if you are mature at your age you should be treated like how you act not a number. There's plenty of people who can be older and act like someone super immature and that's their thing I just distance myself. Personally, I find it very offensive and makes my skin crawl to be treated like I am some dumb naive little kid. I don't see that benefit in acting that way okay someone's older then you cool lol they weren't born that way. Sometimes I think people lose that aspect of things just because they are older than you. they have an unspoken rule over you and tell you sorry but I've seen and been through more in life. I'm sorry but that means nothing to me at all and does not make me respect you just because your what people say an "Elder" and you should respect them if they give just as much respect to you in return. There's a thing in the world where we should all be respectful and treat everyone equally and 100% agree no matter what size,color,personality, sexuality or lifestyle. WE! all have one thing in common were a person and that's what should matter not what they look,act,do etc... I'm not saying I've never judged people everyone has! Now if I judge someone it's usually someone I've is known for a while and I know them or just personally don't agree with what they do but still not my place to step and I never will unless I'm really close to someone.  Going back to age who cares! They are people who can be older, younger and act like a child but again! What makes you the ultimate judge of things because you're older I don't agree with one bit at all and never will. This is probably all over the place lol but basically, I just want everyone to truly treat everyone like one thing a person does not judge on a category. Everyone has what makes them no matter the exterior its all the inside of what matters even if you don't agree let them live how they want. 

Thank you for listening to this non sense of a blog and hopefully makes sense kinda lol

:) Dont forget to follow me on Twitter - __anthonyjohn  

Have an awesome day or night where ever you are :)